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Blacklisted's Xbox Swapping Service 35864
Posts 1,546
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Vouches: 176
Credits: 1,126
SunApolloTridentTurkeyWeebPalm TreeGold MedalGold CoinDemonGift
12-26-2019, 06:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 06:20 PM by f.)
Blacklisted officially has the only trusted swapping service onsite. I myself 100% recommend using his service as I used it on several occasions without any issues. It is high quality and very reliable.

[Image: 6DSmjdC.gif]
Confirm onsite when dealing offsite.
♡ @soph 

[Image: 6DSmjdC.gif]
Confirm onsite when dealing offsite.
♡ @soph 

[Image: 6DSmjdC.gif]
Confirm onsite when dealing offsite.
♡ @soph 

[Image: 6DSmjdC.gif]
Confirm onsite when dealing offsite.
♡ @soph 
Posts 536
Rep 150
Vouches: 35
Credits: 3,701
Silver MedalGold MedalDemonBronze MedalHalloweenGift
12-28-2019, 12:13 AM
Happy to see that this is finally trusted. Well deserved

Kik: Tusk

Always confirm on-site

Kik: Tusk

Always confirm on-site

Kik: Tusk

Always confirm on-site

Kik: Tusk

Always confirm on-site
Posts 2
Rep 32
Vouches: 5
Credits: 394
12-28-2019, 09:48 PM
Vouch for this user swapped a tag for me

Kik: cueig
Discord : cue#5882

Pm on site before dealing

Kik: cueig
Discord : cue#5882

Pm on site before dealing

Kik: cueig
Discord : cue#5882

Pm on site before dealing

Kik: cueig
Discord : cue#5882

Pm on site before dealing
Posts 3,420
Rep 874
Vouches: 116
Credits: 208
ApolloBitBountyBitBountyBitBountyCheersHeartBronze CoinSilver CoinGold CoinBlackhatCool CatBronze MedalSilver MedalGold MedalActive
Blood Moon Blood Moon
12-29-2019, 08:15 PM
This guy is literally insane. just did 1.5k swap with him. DO NOT HESITATE.

discord: six#0666
discord id: 570105311084544024

discord: six#0666
discord id: 570105311084544024

discord: six#0666
discord id: 570105311084544024

discord: six#0666
discord id: 570105311084544024
Posts 14
Rep 8
Vouches: 2
Credits: 82
01-02-2020, 09:28 PM
I need a main swap.

|| Discord: Riz#0703 || Kik: fluster ||

|| Discord: Riz#0703 || Kik: fluster ||

|| Discord: Riz#0703 || Kik: fluster ||

|| Discord: Riz#0703 || Kik: fluster ||
Posts 116
Rep 316
Vouches: 48
Credits: 2,811
SunBronze MedalSilver MedalVoidDemon
01-04-2020, 02:15 AM
Vouch, another tag swapped with zero issues.




Posts 193
Rep 269
Vouches: 46
Credits: 755
01-04-2020, 09:36 PM
Bump for the homie

I am not responsible for anything that happens after the sale.

kik- exitogu
Discord- Exit#0071

I am not responsible for anything that happens after the sale.

kik- exitogu
Discord- Exit#0071

I am not responsible for anything that happens after the sale.

kik- exitogu
Discord- Exit#0071

I am not responsible for anything that happens after the sale.

kik- exitogu
Discord- Exit#0071

Posts 12
Rep 17
Vouches: 3
Credits: 12
01-05-2020, 02:07 AM
The best around - BL just secured and swapped a final tag for me. Business done right with this guy. Wouldn't go anywhere else with something valuable.

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