How-To: Post Pictures in a Scam Report 6154
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OP04-29-2017, 06:13 PM

Hello all,

It's come to my attention that many people have a hard time posting images of scam reports from kik, skype, etc. This will be an in-depth thread on how to do so.

My example will be kik, as that is the most common. This method will work for any app messaging device. I will also post how to do it if you're on a computer and need to screenshot something.

1. Take a screenshot on your device
2. Send yourself an email of that picture (go into your images, tap on each picture or each individually, and send via email to yourself.
Please know how to do this on your own.)
3. Make an account (as seen below if you need help)
4. Click on "Add Images" once you're signed up and on the new page. (Image for Help)
5. Click on Browse. *Don't try to drag the images. Just double click them* (Image for Help)
6. I will be using my friend's requested GFX as an example. Find the image, and double click it. (Image for Help)
7. Your image will now appear in the screen where you click "Add Images". (Image for Help)
8. Click on that image. It will come up big on the left side of your screen, and this will be on the right. Copy the link that says "Image Link". (Image for Help)
9 (Option 1). Come back to Make a thread in the disputes(?) section. Explain your story. Post those links in your thread as proof.
9 (Option 2). Use a spoiler (hides image until the "spoiler" is click on).
To do this, put: [ spoiler ] *click the camera above in the editing thread portion, put the image url there as shown. [ /spoiler ] Will look like this: [spoiler][Image: 4Mn8pvH.png][/spoiler]
All done!

1. Download the program/application Lightshot (click this for the download page)
2. Click on whichever one you need to download (Mac or Windows) (Image for Help)
3. Find lightshot (wherever you saved it), or search it on your computer (if you have a cortana/search bar to search your computer)
**BEFORE  STEP 4, MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE SCREEN YOU WISH TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF (example: if i wanted to take a screenshot of something
on skype, have skype on your screen/pulled up before opening Lightshot)
4. Click on it. You will now have your screen, just dimmed. When on screen, it will say "Select Area".
5. Click and drag over whatever part you wish to have shown on #####. Now, there will be buttons that pop up on the bottom right side of the image you
have decided to screenshot. Find the one that says "save" (you have to hover over it for it to say that)
6. Click save, save it somewhere you'll remember.
7. Make an account (as seen below if you need help)
8. Click on "Add Images" once you're signed up and on the new page. (Image for Help)
9. Click on Browse. *Don't try to drag the images. Just double click them* (Image for Help)
10. I will be using my friend's requested GFX as an example. Find the image, and double click it. (Image for Help)
11. Your image will now appear in the screen where you click "Add Images". (Image for Help)
12. Click on that image. It will come up big on the left side of your screen, and this will be on the right. Copy the link that says "Image Link". (Image for Help)
13. Come back to Make a thread in the disputes(?) section. Explain your story. Post those links in your thread as proof.
All done!

1. Go to your app store, download "Imgur" [spoiler] [Image: sBBCPTf.png][/spoiler]
2. Screenshot whatever that needs to be screenshotted.
3. Go into the app. Sign up/sign in, and you'll see this screen. Tap the camera surrounded by the box: [spoiler][Image: 2nM9sj2.png][/spoiler]
4. You may see an option at bottom of screen asking if imgur can have access to camera roll. Allow it to do so, and your images should pop up. [spoiler] [Image: uZazGB6.png][/spoiler]
5. Tap on one of them, and "post" will appear in the top right of the app. Post it, then go onto your browser on your computer, and sign into
6. Your image will now appear there.
7. Click on that image. It will come up big on the left side of your screen, and this will be on the right. Copy the link that says "Image Link". (Image for Help)

8. Come back to Make a thread in the disputes(?) section. Explain your story. Post those links in your thread as proof.
All done!
Making an account:
1. go to
2. Click on sign up (Image for Help)
3. Fill out the information that pops up (Image for Help)
4. Continue Steps in Tutorial

Other Option for Uploading Pictures: credits to @Banshee
Won't be doing a tutorial on, as when i tried to upload a pic,
not only did i have to sit through a dumb commercial, even afterwards, it said upload failed
Thank you for reading. Please, if this helped, post below. This actually took me an hour or so to make, as i had to pretty much do all of those steps like 10 times.
Thank you, and i hope you never have to use this :)





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