Vouches Report for Assassin

Total Vouches: 16
Vouch (+1): Sold this very nice user a RuneScape name. I went first!!03-26-2020From Seller - Dunk
Vouch (+1): I sold you a spotify before.03-17-2020From Seller - Mac
Vouch (+1): Vouch for him, Swapped an RSN for me and MM'd my deal.02-13-2020From Middleman - Memories
Vouch (+1): Received a vc easy to work with01-11-2020From Buyer - fast
Vouch (+1): bought gold from him, fast and easy to deal with12-08-2019From Buyer - Ring
Vouch (+1): He hired me for a program, really nice guy to work with07-30-2019From Seller - thx
Vouch (+1): 90M OSRS and 3 Letter IGN for 4 Letter IGN.07-17-2019From Seller - scriptin
Vouch (+1): easy BTC to payapl USD 07-04-2019From Trader - worlockt
Vouch (+1): Smooth exchanges07-04-2019From Trader - Gappy
Vouch (+1): Known this guy off site for ages, have purchased stuff from him in the past without any troubles 06-07-2019From Buyer - JerryCs