Vouches Report for Heart

Total Vouches: 671
Vouch (+1): Smooth deal. No issues. Very trustworthy.03-30-2020From Buyer - Blake
Vouch (+1): MMed a deal quick and easy03-30-2020From Seller - shinoa
Vouch (+1): thanks for smooth mm babe03-29-2020From Seller - cleanest
Vouch (+1): man middlemanned for me :D smooth03-29-2020From Buyer - retard
Vouch (+1): he mmed for me 03-29-2020From Middleman - Robledo
Vouch (+1): brother held a lot of money for me vouch 03-28-2020From Buyer - m1
Vouch (+1): heart is the smoothest mm03-24-2020From Buyer - semiotics
Vouch (+1): Used him as mm , chill03-23-2020From Seller - AVAV
Vouch (+1): Sold an account for $250, great MM!!!!!!03-23-2020From Seller - Rien
Vouch (+1): bought a discrim, another easy deal (forgot to vouch after purcahse)03-20-2020From Buyer - Bing
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