Vouches Report for King

Total Vouches: 128
Vouch (+1): dealed with user before, cool and big vouch for him05-13-2019From Buyer - Spicy
Vouch (+1): we've dealt b4 cool usor bet05-13-2019From Seller - link
Vouch (+1): We dealt before, legit guy05-13-2019Buyer Guest
Vouch (+1): brought a stat a while back05-13-2019From Buyer - pops
Vouch (+1): sold creds before 05-13-2019From Buyer - alx
Vouch (+1): Bought from him before05-13-2019From Buyer - polaj
Vouch (+1): jorg <3 dik05-13-2019Seller Guest
Vouch (+1): sold him a FN acc, nice guy to talk with05-13-2019From Seller - sami
Vouch (+1): Sold credits05-13-2019From Seller - trapstar
Vouch (+1): dealt with in the past05-13-2019From Buyer - cept
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