Vouches Report for Godinactive

Total Vouches: 159
Vouch (+1): bought his skin, he went first07-16-2019Seller Guest
Vouch (+1): Good buyer12-22-2018From Seller - tr1ax1le
Vouch (+1): Smooth deal10-26-2018Buyer Guest
Vouch (+1): Went first in 200 deal fast and easy no middleman needed what a god 10-22-2018From Buyer - Cruel
Vouch (+1): smooth exchange10-20-2018From Buyer - justinfhjsk
Vouch (+1): Bought Twtitter no MM needed10-17-2018From Buyer - Naraka
Vouch (+1): real homie. don't hesitate to deal with10-16-2018From Buyer - Ring
Vouch (+1): Exchanged paypal to btc09-03-2018From Trader - Blood
Vouch (+1): Sold creds08-16-2018From Buyer - AGhost
Vouch (+1): vouch easy exchange07-04-2018From Seller - Marsy
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