Vouches Report for The Godfather

The Godfather
Total Vouches: 8
Vouch (+1): Quick deal12-23-2019From Buyer - Kao
Vouch (+1): bought his credits. he's cool af12-22-2019From Buyer - userroxy
Vouch (+1): smooth deal, nice guy 12-18-2019From Buyer - Luxury
Vouch (+1): Sold credits 12-17-2019From Seller - Nothing
Vouch (+1): bought credits12-16-2019From Buyer - Zach
Vouch (+1): bought credits12-15-2019From Buyer - mess
Vouch (+1): Bought his credits12-15-2019From Buyer - Ardyn
Vouch (+1): Fast and easy spot disney acc12-15-2019From Seller - Tronic