Vouches Report for Frajer

Total Vouches: 8
Vouch (+1): smooth deal thanks03-28-2020From Seller - be
Vouch (+1): sold him credits with the quickness ! 03-28-2020From Seller - geminis
Vouch (+1): Bought my creds03-28-2020From Seller - service
Vouch (+1): Vouch, middlemanned a $155 deal for him, went smoothly!03-27-2020From Middleman - Zyger
Vouch (+1): Smooth deal03-26-2020From Seller - MiKeY1871
Vouch (+1): quick fast03-24-2020From Seller - akh
Vouch (+1): credit deal03-19-2020From Seller - mess
Vouch (+1): sold user btc01-20-2020From Seller - swoon