Vouches Report for Desire

Total Vouches: 21
Vouch (+1): Known scammer dwc09-29-2019From Buyer - NotReguIus
Vouch (+1): MM'd for this user09-10-2019From Middleman - arc
Vouch (+1): bought my twitter09-10-2019From Seller - MT
Vouch (+1): bought a bo4 account 09-09-2019From Buyer - joshy
Vouch (+1): Bought a tag from this user. Legit.09-07-2019From Buyer - Molten
Vouch (+1): Bought two clubs and went first.08-29-2019From Buyer - Nik
Vouch (+1): MM'd for this user and they held up their end of the deal!06-16-2019From Middleman - Beam
Vouch (+1): used my service06-10-2019From Seller - Crisis
Vouch (+1): huge vouch , extremely trust worthy. 05-26-2019From Buyer - FreeLaser
Vouch (+1): Sold multiple times to user all smooth05-21-2019From Seller - Prominent