Buying & Trading Accounts Section Discontinued 4316
Posts 285
Staff Team
OP01-05-2018, 11:11 AM

I am discontinuing the Buying & Trading OG Accounts and Buying & Trading Stat Accounts sections. Too many members posting in the wrong section.

From now on all buying, selling, and trading threads will go in the forum of the accounts you are looking for.

For example, if I am looking to buy, sell, or trade an OG Gamertag I would make a new thread in OG Gamertags.

When you are creating a new thread you will notice there are options you can choose from which will distinguish whether you are selling, buying, or trading.

[Image: wUbWDzB.png]

You may now also sort by which threads are displayed in a section.  This way if you are only looking for members selling you will see only the selling threads and vice versa.

[Image: AZ05IMg.png]

I will move some threads out of the discontinued sections but I'd suggest if you have a thread in those sections, just make a new one.


Messages In This Thread
Buying & Trading Accounts Section Discontinued - by Ace - 01-05-2018, 11:11 AM

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