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all I see is red, but then TRON? 2049
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01-18-2018, 09:07 PM
Alright ill invest rn thanks

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01-18-2018, 09:33 PM
(01-18-2018, 08:17 PM)swavy Wrote:then i guess im losing it with a very large amount of other people

i have a research process actually

it's called: buy what people talk about

u see people research these coins and theyre like wow looks good then they go and tell other people wow it's good then i hear about it from idek forums/twitter ect and then i buy that coin

That is a terrible long term strategy.

(01-18-2018, 08:17 PM)swavy Wrote:i've tripled my money in 4 weeks.

i really dont care what you think honest

Not a profit until you sell

(01-18-2018, 08:27 PM)swavy Wrote:him and lsd are promoting their anti-shitcoin campaign

by under 10 cent coins i meant just shitcoins, low value and what not

No i'm warning people to do their own research instead of blindly following idiots on this forum.
It's literally the blind leading the blind right now.

Crypto has reached a stage where some first class representatives of stupid money got tens of thousands of followers that are even more stupid. 
That's why coins like Tron pumped so hard and why so many clueless noobs are still holding it.

All I'm saying is stop giving people investment advice because you have no idea what you're doing.
You rely on random people from forums and twitter to spoon feed you what coins to buy.

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]
Liked by: skux
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Red NinjaInnovator
OP01-18-2018, 10:03 PM
(01-18-2018, 09:33 PM)LSD Wrote:That is a terrible long term strategy.

Not a profit until you sell

No i'm warning people to do their own research instead of blindly following idiots on this forum.
It's literally the blind leading the blind right now.

Crypto has reached a stage where some first class representatives of stupid money got tens of thousands of followers that are even more stupid. 
That's why coins like Tron pumped so hard and why so many clueless noobs are still holding it.

All I'm saying is stop giving people investment advice because you have no idea what you're doing.
You rely on random people from forums and twitter to spoon feed you what coins to buy.

Stop thinking I care about long term I do not in any way at all.

I do not care about long term.

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]
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Palm TreeChocolate BunnySilver NinjaHalloweenGift
01-18-2018, 10:04 PM
Damn it's going up like bitcoin?.... oh wait...

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01-18-2018, 10:06 PM
(01-18-2018, 10:03 PM)swavy Wrote:Stop thinking I care about long term I do not in any way at all.

I do not care about long term.

2k sats on tron is not a short term target sorry to tell you

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]
Liked by: Pongo, skux
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01-18-2018, 10:11 PM
TRX iS TrOn YeS. IF yoU weRe To aSk a lOng-terM HoLder thEy’lL tEll yoU Now iS a pErfeCt tImE tO iNveSt. In TerMs oF ShOrt-TeRm iT DefiNitEly woUld HavE bEeN beSt To bUy in yEsTerdAy mOrniNg bUt I StiLl bEliEvE thEre’S Room to GrOw. I’M loOkiNg tO sElL eVeryThIng I’m hoLdIng At 2k sAt. I belIeve it wIlL reAch thAt PoinT bUt of cOuRsE noBoDy cAn RealLy knoW.

[Image: DnYMyXTUwAEk3U_.jpg:large]

[Image: DnYMyXTUwAEk3U_.jpg:large]

[Image: DnYMyXTUwAEk3U_.jpg:large]

[Image: DnYMyXTUwAEk3U_.jpg:large]
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01-18-2018, 10:13 PM
(01-18-2018, 10:11 PM)skux Wrote:TRX iS TrOn YeS. IF yoU weRe To aSk a lOng-terM HoLder thEy’lL tEll yoU Now iS a pErfeCt tImE tO iNveSt. In TerMs oF ShOrt-TeRm iT DefiNitEly woUld HavE bEeN beSt To bUy in yEsTerdAy mOrniNg bUt I StiLl bEliEvE thEre’S Room to GrOw. I’M loOkiNg tO sElL eVeryThIng I’m hoLdIng At 2k sAt. I belIeve it wIlL reAch thAt PoinT bUt of cOuRsE noBoDy cAn RealLy knoW.

I love crypto

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]
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Silver NinjaBronze MedalSilver MedalGold MedalMigration
01-18-2018, 10:30 PM
burst out laughing trx is a literal pleb coin stay poor x:) stop promoting scam coins and do research





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Red NinjaInnovator
OP01-18-2018, 11:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 11:06 PM by swavy.)
(01-18-2018, 10:30 PM)lucy Wrote:burst out laughing trx is a literal pleb coin stay poor x:) stop promoting scam coins and do research

Yeah and I’m the one who hasn’t done the research

shut up lmfao

(01-18-2018, 10:06 PM)LSD Wrote:2k sats on tron is not a short term target sorry to tell you

Once again pulling shit out of your ass.

It went from 200 to 2047 in an extremely small time period. 

As if whatever shit you’re making up matters dude you know just as well as I do how volatile the market is.

I don’t know why anyone listens to you you’re making up just as much shit as I am right now.

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]

[Image: swavy]
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01-18-2018, 11:12 PM
(01-18-2018, 11:00 PM)swavy Wrote:Yeah and I’m the one who hasn’t done the research

shut up lmfao

Once again pulling shit out of your ass.

It went from 200 to 2047 in an extremely small time period. 

As if whatever shit you’re making up matters dude you know just as well as I do how volatile the market is.

I don’t know why anyone listens to you you’re making up just as much shit as I am right now.

I feel very sorry for you.
Don't listen to me do what you want I give up trying to help.

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]

[Image: elu7zmA.png]
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