funny drug story's? 105
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OP01-23-2020, 07:12 PM

tell me some funny shit lmao

Posts 63
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Gold MedalBronze MedalSilver Medal
01-24-2020, 12:07 PM
First shrooms trip at 17 years old haha. Me and my friends at the time went to a park only me 1 other kid took any. I had about 3g as I thought I was ready for it. Daily weed smoking during that time. I was an hour in and starting to feeling the effects. Trees moving and shit. The feeling it gave made everything funny. As we walked to a bakery close by multiple cars passed us and me and my friend were both trying to explain ourselves but the way shrooms made me feel it made everything unexplainable. It was a great time. We got to the bakery and the lady working there started questioning us saying things like... are you playing some sort of joke? What are you up to? We ended up getting some food and getting the fuck out of there because it tripped us out hard. Haha good times.

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