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Verified Username Change Service (VOUCHED) 4954
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OP10-04-2018, 09:20 PM

(This post was last modified: 10-19-2018, 08:37 PM by azul.)
keep getting asked to do this service so figured i'd do a thread

I will try to get the name changed on your verified twitter to a username you own or an inactive account. I will say I've had a higher success rate with usernames already in my possession. With inactives its a toss up if twitter will accept it or deny it. I will continue to try until it changes or until you want to give up.

WARNING: If you want to claim handle that you own in order for it to work twitter will need to suspend the account, and IF twitter doesn't swap the username the handle will be suspended. 
However you can appeal the suspension theres a high risk that twitter will not suspend it. IF you want to proceed with this service i will not be held responsible if your @ gets suspended.

I've changed over 8 Verified Usernames. Inactives, available usernames, and usernames I've owned

Do you need OGEmail for this to work? - No, you do not

How inactive does the account have to be? - Preferably want it to be inactive 4+ years

What you need
- Verified Twitter


Price: $150

- With a Verified twitter theres always risks, if anything happens to your twitter account i will not be held responsible
- If the service does not work i will refund $100. I keep $50 for the service and my time
- If your Handle gets suspended and twitter doesn't swap the accounts i will not be help responsible

By contacting me for this service you AGREE to the following terms

(10-12-2018, 12:36 PM)Jambi M8 Wrote:He is legit, bought 1500$ worth of accounts. He changed 2 names for me and got me a 2 char verified.

Posts 246
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10-04-2018, 09:31 PM
Vouch for Azul, he is using my method and he has got a couple @'s changed using it.

Liked by: azul
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Bronze MedalGiftPalm TreeHalloweenVoid
10-04-2018, 09:32 PM
When was the last time you obtained an inactive handle?

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs
Posts 950
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Poop Emoji
OP10-04-2018, 09:34 PM
(10-04-2018, 09:32 PM)Rex Wrote:When was the last time you obtained an inactive handle?

Sept 19th, i havent tried in about a week

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Bronze MedalGiftPalm TreeHalloweenVoid
10-04-2018, 09:37 PM
(10-04-2018, 09:34 PM)azul Wrote:Sept 19th, i havent tried in about a week

Kk I'm still trying out my methods but if they don't work I'll hit you up

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs

Discord: Kev#3333
Kik: kevs
Liked by: azul
Posts 234
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Bronze MedalSilver MedalHalloweenPalm Tree
10-04-2018, 10:11 PM
This is a dope service. Commenting to come back later

Liked by: azul
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HalloweenSilver MedalBronze MedalGiftGold MedalPalm TreeVoid
10-04-2018, 10:34 PM
This is dope will come back to this

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10-04-2018, 11:01 PM
hi give vouch cause i cba to login blockchain (im lazy) and cute

Payment Methods I Accept:

Terms Of Service:
After deal i'm not responsible.
Time wasters get -4 and added to ignore list.

Pm Onsite

Payment Methods I Accept:

Terms Of Service:
After deal i'm not responsible.
Time wasters get -4 and added to ignore list.

Pm Onsite

Payment Methods I Accept:

Terms Of Service:
After deal i'm not responsible.
Time wasters get -4 and added to ignore list.

Pm Onsite

Payment Methods I Accept:

Terms Of Service:
After deal i'm not responsible.
Time wasters get -4 and added to ignore list.

Pm Onsite

Posts 63
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Bronze Medal
10-05-2018, 12:13 AM
vouch for azul he got one of my verified changed

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