@Miami 428
Posts 68
Rep 42
Bronze Medal
OP03-19-2020, 01:34 AM

(This post was last modified: 03-19-2020, 01:36 AM by Triston.)
Scammer username: @Miami
Scammer profile link: RAIDUSER.com/Miami
Sales thread link:https://RAIDUSER.com/Thread-OG-V1-tag-225-today

Detailed description of what happened: Honestly tired of broke ass kids on this site. This is why nobody is trusted on here no matter what your rep is or how many vouches you have. Honestly dont feel like taking screenshots of my own conversation. @check sent me this after i had done this deal. I am dumb to trust someone who had high rep on here. Also he admits that he was impersonating his own discord account which is weird as hell and clearly desperate. No offense to the people on here who actually dont scam and arent broke, but this is exactly why sites like this just are dying. 

Proof (screenshots/pictures):

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