Instagram question 500
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OP05-29-2017, 03:29 PM

does anyone know how I can view or save a video that was posted and then deleted? I have the link to it.

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05-29-2017, 03:30 PM
is this even possible?

not sure if this is even a thing?

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Bronze MedalGift
OP05-29-2017, 03:31 PM
(05-29-2017, 03:30 PM)upset Wrote:is this even possible?

not sure if this is even a thing?

Yeah I'm not sure if it was possible, just trying to see if anyone knows a way to do it.

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05-29-2017, 03:32 PM
you can save it with an instagram saver you just paste the link and it should download it for you

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OP05-29-2017, 03:37 PM
(05-29-2017, 03:32 PM)45 Wrote:you can save it with an instagram saver you just paste the link and it should download it for you

The video was deleted by the user, I tried but it said it can't be downloaded because it was deleted.

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05-29-2017, 07:27 PM
If it was deleted then unfortunately you cannot download it, however try using "instadown" it saves vids/photos from Instagram to your phone.

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05-30-2017, 05:57 AM
There's no way you can do this, rip

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05-30-2017, 06:06 AM
(05-30-2017, 05:57 AM)Verdict Wrote:There's no way you can do this, rip
nice staff ub fam ;)

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