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Does anyone else feel like life is kinda meaningless? 2488
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03-22-2020, 04:13 AM
Stop thinking this life is so meaningful thinking bad thoughts will only make you want to think more

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03-29-2020, 09:35 PM
Give it a purpose and see the world from your own eyes not from the perspective media wants you to see it

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03-29-2020, 11:17 PM
(12-26-2017, 06:29 AM)Synthesis Wrote:Probably just my 3am thoughts speaking, but I feel like most people who haven't experienced a traumatic experience (heartbreak, death of a loved one, etc.) are oblivious towards the concept of how fucked up everything is. I've dealt w/ depression for a while now and I've noticed how I consistently see the negative in everything. We turn a blind eye to the horrors happening in the Middle East, to the starvation in Africa, to human trafficking and etc. We care more about our new iPhones, new cars, etc. and we just pretend like nothing else matters because it doesn't affect us. Don't get me wrong - we do come together sometimes (Paris attacks, 9/11), but I feel like we cherry-pick the things that are most relevant to us.

Kind of going off on a tangent, but every now and then, I'll have days where I just feel like shit and I'll start partying and drinking just to forget / ignore those thoughts. But the partying is short-term happiness. I feel like acquiring long-term happiness is impossible and that in the broader view of things, nothing really matters in the end. We're just tiny creatures floating on a rock through an immeasurable amount of nothingness. What's the purpose to our lives? We're a speck of dust relative to the bigger picture.

Sorry for ranting, but does anyone else feel like this?

I do understand where you are coming from, and I firmly believe that life is meaningless and that nothing will ever matter. That fact is very comforting to me, because you could look at it like all the good things that I do will not matter, but also all the bad things that you do don't matter. This is called optimistic nihilism and I am a firm believer, you should look it up because it is kind of hard to explain.

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03-30-2020, 01:34 AM
a 2017 year old thread gets bumped... But yea... life kinda feels meaningless. We're working for society, working slaves. Circle of life, when your life is over, another person will take your place in society.

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