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Chique's Suggestion & Feedback Thread. 430
Posts 295
Rep 17
Vouches: 4
Credits: 504
Bronze MedalSilver MedalGiftPalm TreeDemon
06-29-2017, 02:37 PM
Nice suggestions. Some people do sell og stuff for credits though in the credits section though. Hope that this gets noticed. More changes are probably to come in the future hopefully.

[Image: dc6q4BM.png]

[Image: dc6q4BM.png]

[Image: dc6q4BM.png]

[Image: dc6q4BM.png]
Posts 285
Staff Team
06-29-2017, 04:49 PM
Regarding Rules: We do hand out warnings and bans for LQ posting and/or flaming. I suppose we could hand out warnings more but you can be sure we do hand them out.

Character Limit: There is a character limit and any posts that try to bypass it deserve a warning. [Image: 0YAskEm.png]

Threads: Done, until now this was never suggested...

Private Messaging: Done

Ban page: Under consideration but probably not going to happen. It wouldn't make the slightest difference because you cannot see their IP after they make a new account only admins can, and we don't have the time to check every single member.

Credits shop: There's already a Credits market where members can sell whatever they choose, this includes Netflix accounts. https://RAIDUSER.com/Forum-Credits-Market

Reputation: Yes, something does happen. We remove those reps (or at least I do) when they are reported via PM.

Marketplace: Ask the member that reviewed it to reply?

Suggestions: "it's sad to see suggestions that were made weeks ago not even noticed by the admins" I'm the only developer here and even I can't do everything as quick as I'd like to. I have finished MANY suggestions, I can't finish them all in the span of a day or even a week. I get to them when I can.

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