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OP07-27-2019, 06:19 PM

(This post was last modified: 03-09-2020, 02:09 PM by ryeung.)
[Image: bODSgu5.png]

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will be giving you all of the details you need in order to exchange safely. Please read this guide if you are new to this forum and would like to exchange your currency for other currencies. This will be the best source in order to help you get a successful exchange. Make sure you always use a middleman if it's too suspicious and confirm onsite with them. I will be updating this thread with feedback and information that I find. This is the number one rule that will help you get a successful exchange. Check the middleman section below for contact details. 

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This is a quick summary for buyers that are buying other currencies and exchanges. The first thing a buyer should worry about is completing a safe transaction. As a buyer, make sure that you confirm onsite with the seller. Even if you confirm it, make sure to use a middleman if they have low vouches. Never go first just because they "look trusted." I've seen many scams occur when people think others are trusted and go first. Why risk hundreds when you can use a middleman for a small cheap fee? Think about that. Not using a middleman for a quick transaction would be the thing that gets you scammed. Always deal with caution and deal with trusted members. 

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This is a quick summary for sellers that are exchanging on this forum. Remember, as a seller, our first main thing that we worry about is chargebacks/disputes. New members, remember that almost anything is disputable. Don't think that you can do some payment method and have it be "not disputable." Deal with caution during exchanges and don't exchange insane amounts for new/low vouched users. Yes, they may be okay with using a middleman for the exchange, but there will be no middleman to save you when they process that dispute. Stay safe out there sellers, there are many people that exchange just to dispute and double their money. 

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Chargebacks are the main thing sellers are afraid of. Buyers, not so much. As a bitcoin buyer, all you have to do is not chargeback. so, if you're a person with a kind heart, and know that scamming is wrong, you won't chargeback. As a seller, we deal with many people. There are definately people that will chargeback payments that they can. The main thing a seller should know is that all payments are disputable. The only thing that can't be disputed would be bitcoin after 1 confirmation. Don't think that if you're exchanging your bitcoin for some sort of payment that they claim to not be able to chargeback, is not chargebackable. Everything is able to be chargebacked if the money is insured by the FDIC. Some are just harder while things like PayPal are easier to dispute. As a seller, deal with caution with all of your buyers. 

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Most users come onsite to exchange their bitcoin. Bitcoin exchanges are simple and fast as long as you follow the most basic steps. As a bitcoin seller, whatever you're exchanging your bitcoin to, make sure that you always deal with caution. This is hard because as a seller, money from almost anything you receive can be disputed or reversed, especially PayPal. once you send the bitcoin and something goes wrong, it's game over. you cannot get your bitcoin back the second it hits 1 confirmation. always deal with caution and exchange with Trusted members of this site to ensure a successful exchange. Now, if you're a bitcoin buyer, always make sure to confirm with sellers onsite. There are many imposters with discords that try to get you to send them money. Sellers would never tell you that they cannot confirm onsite or is lazy to do so. That's when you know instantly that it's a scam. Even if seller confirms onsite and is acting fishy or suspicious, use a middleman. I will link the middleman page below. 

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Paypal exchanges are the ones you must be careful about. If you are buying bitcoin using paypal, make sure you confirm onsite with the seller no matter what happens. Never go first to someone just because they have "some vouches." Many people would scam $5, let alone the $50 you're exchanging. If you're sending the paypal money as "goods and services", you will have a chance to dispute the transaction if you get scammed. but, most sellers onsite sell via "friends and family". This money will be impossible to dispute unless you somehow work something out with your bank. If you're receiving money via paypal, make sure it's a verified and legit paypal. Even if they send as friends and family, it's disputable as long as they used a different ip address. Always deal with caution during exchanges. If you don't feel comfortable or feel fished out, use a middleman. I will link the middleman page below.

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Zelle exchanges are very simple and fast. personally, I do zelle services because to me, it's an easy way to exchange. Zelle exchanges are mostly instant depending on your bank. Although many articles claim that Zelle is not reversible, it is. Most articles just tell you that Zelle is for friends and not for business, but it is disputable. With that said, different banks do different things, so still, deal with caution. If you are the buyer and want bitcoin, when you're sending Zelle, make sure that they're trusted before you go first. It might be impossible to get it back after you confirm the transaction via your bank app. If you're the seller, tell them to include a note or something when they send the Zelle. This would not guarantee that there will be no reverses, but it would help a little in my opinion. Always deal with caution and use a middleman if the seller/buyer is fishy. 

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CashApp exchanges are very weird, at least my experience was. CashApp sometimes would automatically reverse a transaction when it's fishy. Be careful when dealing with high amounts because CashApp may reverse it if they think its fraud. As a bitcoin seller, make sure the CashApp money is successfully in your account before you send out the funds. If you are the buyer, just deal with caution with the seller. CashApp has horrible support and would not be fast to help you dispute the money that you lost. Most people think that if they send via balance, it will not be reversible. It definitely is, it just depends on how lucky they get with support. If they send via bank, bank transfers are easier to dispute. Make sure to use a middleman if the seller/buyer is fishy. Middleman services are linked below. 

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Other exchanges such as amazon gift cards, steam, or any other gift cards are dealt in similar ways. Although gift cards seem like they're not reversible, they are. If gift cards are bought with stolen credit cards, etc, your account can be banned and the things you bought can be canceled. It's better to get a picture code of the physical card. Make sure to use a middleman if the seller is low vouched and fishy. A middleman can hold the funds while you redeem your gift card. Let's say you send them money and the gift card code doesn't work. This might be hard because now both of you guys don't know what to do. it's better to let a middleman hold the funds while you guy's dispute it out. I will update this with more exchange ways and how to prevent scams when I think of new things that would help. Always deal with caution and use a middleman to ensure a successful exchange!

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Triangle scams are very hard to prevent, so you must be a careful. A triangle scam is where three people are involved, hence, a triangle. Here is how it would work. Person 1 will be the exchanger, person 2 would be the buyer, and person 3 would be the scammer. Person 3 would contact the buyer and say that they want to exchange. Person 2 would obviously ask for an onsite confirmation. After that, person 3 would contact person 1, the legit exchanger, to private message person 2. Person 2 would think that it's legit because it was confirmed onsite and send the money to person 3, thinking it's person 1. To prevent this, if you're buying Bitcoin, make sure to ask the exchanger/seller to private message you their address onsite. If it does not match the one in chat, it's a triangle scam. Triangle scams usually take awhile and the scammer would have slow replies because he/she is trying to match it perfectly. I've only encountered 3 so far and they all replied insanely slow. 

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A middleman is always available in order to make a successful exchange. These middlemen are always there and helps you when you need it. Always make sure to confirm with the middleman onsite. If they refuse or claim that they're lazy, block them immediately. A middleman would never, ever, reject to confirm onsite. If they do, you are talking to a fake middleman. Block them immediately. Never forget to ask them to confirm onsite! Here is the link to view middleman services: https://RAIDUSER.com/Forum-Middleman-Services

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kik: ryeeung | tele: ryeeung

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kik: ryeeung | tele: ryeeung

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